« View Real Estate Listings in Neepawa, Manitoba

$195,000 - 179 1st, Neepawa, Manitoba, Canada

Property Information:

Price: $195,000
Location: 179 1st, Neepawa
Bedrooms: 3
Bathrooms: 2

Contact Information:

Name: Liana
Phone: 476-2175
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This house features two bedrooms on the main level with a third room in progress in the basement. There are two full bathrooms with jeted tubs in both. In the last five years there has been a new hot water tank, and electric furnace, tin roof and new windows, new shingles on shed and insulation in attic. Rec room and laundry room in the basement. The backyard has deck and is fenced. The lot has been landscaped. Close to both the elementary and high schools, as well as hospital and downtown (15 minutes or less). The community gardens located kitty-corner to this property leave you with a pleasant veiw as well as a " not boxed in" feeling of living in town. Hardwood floors in living room and kitchen, laminate flooring in upstairs bedrooms and hallway. Linoleum in upstairs bathroom, laminate in downstairs bathroom. Carpet in basement. Central air and central vacume. Needs painted/touchup in kitchen as well as in the hallway and bedroom ceilings (in the process). Asking $195000.00, make me an offer. The taxes for this corner lot are very low.